Cookie Policy


Atmoz AB use cookies to improve the user experience when you visit our website 
What is a cookie? 
There are two types of cookies: session cookies and permanent cookies. A session cookie is deleted when the browser is closed. A permanent cookie is saved on the computer for a certain period of time. 
These two types of cookies can be issued by different actors (first or third parties) to be saved on your computer. First party cookies are placed in your browser by Atmoz AB and third party cookies are placed by actors other than Atmoz AB. Our website uses both session cookies and permanent cookies. 
Block or delete cookies 
Most browsers have a default setting that accepts the use of cookies. If you do not want to allow cookies to be saved on your computer, you can change it in the browser settings on your computer, as well as delete cookies that have been saved on your computer. Description of how to do this can be found in the instructions for your browser or alternatively in your browser’s help function.